Author: ianboichat

  • Meeting the stars

    So today Maddie met her other hero Justin Bieber amongst other famous celebrities and royals. Well not exactly met, today we had another Maddie and Daddy day out in London visiting Madam Tussaurds! It was actually quite impressive, full of people having their photos taken with the likes of Usain Bolt, Jessica Ennis (you’d never…

  • Go Ape!

    Ever since she first saw the Go Ape zip wire at Wendover Woods Maddie has been desperate to give it a go. Sadly you had to be over 10 to give it a go. Until now that is, at the Elveden Forest version of Go Ape there is a junior course which has all the…

  • Pool Babes

    We could hardly keep Maddie out of the pool on holiday so whilst most of us spent most of our time in the shade (it was around 4o˚!) Maddie was playing, floating, diving and swimming in the water and ended up with a better tan than all of us! Even with factor 50 on!

  • Bloody hell the suns out!

    So finally the sun came out after what seems like the wettest drought ever and along with what seemed like half of St Albans we headed off to the splash zone in Verulamium park. Despite being very excited these places aren’t as much fun without a friend to play with and as Maddie got wetter…

  • First match of the season

    Been a busy summer down at Vicarage Road so we rocked up to see how new manager Zola and his team would play. Scraped a 1-0 win in extra time so kudos to Maddie for keeping still and not complaining in what was a pretty boring game. Couple of highlights Vydra looks good upfront and…

  • Big girls bike!

    I had taken the stabilisers off Maddie’s bike back in the Spring and after a few failed attempts to learn to ride without them her bike had been unceremoniously dumped in the garage and forgotten. When we were debating what to get Maddie for her birthday the idea of a new bike seemed like a…

  • 6th birthday city slickers

    Celebrating her birthday for the second time – this time actually on her birthday Maddie and her friend Anabel went horse (pony) riding at the local stables. They were both absolute naturals, now I’m sure that’s partly down to the well trained horses who probably do this every day but even so, by the end…

  • Beach Bum!

    A selection of some of the lovely pictures I managed to get of Maddie on Watergate Bay beach in Cornwall. The second one is now on our wall as a large canvas. Maddie was quite happy surfing or playing in the sand. No gigantic Dad sandcastles but then again the weather wasn’t great so we…

  • Monopoly

    Ok so who doesn’t remember playing Monopoly for hours on end as kids. Sheltering from the crap British weather in Watergate Bay Hotel bar we came across a vintage set of Monopoly which Maddie really enjoyed playing. (So much so that she got her own set for her birthday!) What’s even more amazing is that…

  • Skiing Again

    It’s been a while since Maddie last went skiing so we weren’t sure how she would get on. We needn’t have worried though as apart from a dodgy first lesson where the instructor only spoke French she made fabulous progress and loved it do much I even had to ski in the rain with her!…