Being Maddie’s Dad

Highlights and musings of a Dad and his daughter growing up.

  • Today I’ve been experimenting with the latest version of Garage Band and with a little help from Maddie who added the vocals – here is her recording debut. (actually that’s not strictly true we have got a recording of Baa…

  • Well Iceland may be in trouble financially but I reckon the success of Lazy Town and all the merchandising spin offs must be helping. For those of you that have yet to be forced to watch this show Maddie is…

  • Finally the sun came out and normal service was resumed on the skiing front. Maddie has taken to skiing well although at this stage skiing really just means shuffling about on skis on very flat snow. Still you have to…

  • The best (worst) snow in 30 years depending on your point of view has just covered our world in the white stuff. To be honest I think it’s great, ok so maybe a little inconvenient but it’s not like it…

  • Living as close to the station as we do and with London only 25 mins away I’m surprised we hadn’t done this before now. That is take a trip on a train with Maddie. After some initial scary moments (when…

  • Having sat through Snow Dogs on DVD for the umpteenth time it had become quite apparent that Maddie was more than capable of sitting still for a whole film. It was with this in mind we went to a child…

  • Christmas morning – the wine and the carrot are gone and one very excited Maddie got the present she’d been waiting for – her new bike. She’s had lots of lovely presents and thankyou to everyone.

  • This is the first year when Maddie has had some idea of what Christmas is about (not in the biblical sense yet) but definitely in the Santa’s coming and I’m going to get presents. In nursery Maddie had written a…

  • …well maybe, but she’s certainly taken a liking to singing with a microphone. So far we are limited to renditions of Baa Baa Black Sheep and Once I caught a Fish Alive but with a bit of encouragement who knows?

  • Well we had “In the Night Garden” which was a favourtite for a while and Peppa Pig is still up there in term of popularity, but at the moment there is one programme above all others that is guaranteed to…