Being Maddie’s Dad

Highlights and musings of a Dad and his daughter growing up.

  • Over the last few weeks everytime we go anywhere near escalators Maddie is obsessed with riding them up and down. (This was snapped in John Lewis today) More impressive is that she can even say “Escalator”! Maddie has been particularly…

  • Maddie now goes to swimming lessons every Monday and having the day off I thought I’d go and watch (Photo from my phone through the glass!) Whilst I do take her myself from time to time it was nice to…

  • Another trip to Mead Open Farm just with Daddy. (Chance for Mummy to have a break). Maddie just loves these slides – even the really steep ones. Oh and we did also look at the animals but they were a…

  • Well it’s been a week now and to be honest I’m so impressed with how few accidents we’ve had. Maddie seems to have got the hang of it really well. Having only just finished house training Molly I had visions…

  • So another bank holiday weekend has come and gone, for the most part Maddie has been very well behaved but you do need eyes in the back of your head as her latest trick is just to run off. She…

  • Just for the record and because it seems incredible how quickly Molly has grown we weighed them both today using the Wii fit balance board! Maddie weighed 1 Stone 12 Pounds (11.8 Kg) but Molly tipped the scales at 2…

  • Well it’s been a while due to technical difficulties and whilst I will get round to filling in the gaps from the last few months I thought it best to at least get a quick entry in for now. (But…

  • Maddie’s latest show of curiosity is to continually ask “What’s that?” (or more like Whassat) at which point we feel we have to tell her what it is she is pointing at. This is normally fine when its a swan…

  • So I got home tonight to find out that whilst out in our local town with Mum, upon walking past the local Starbucks, Maddie took it upon herself to open the door, walk in, take her coat off, find a…

  • A great week away skiing but I have to say I did miss Maddie. Her telephone manner isn’t quite up to scratch so our conversations weren’t up to much. Apparently her first word every morning was “Daddy” which is nice…