Can’t believe it’s been a month since my last entry but then life has suddenly become much more hectic. I have started a new company which is a real focus for me and Mette is also back at work. We…
First trip to the zoo
Maddie seems to take an interest in the ducks and other animals she’s seen (like sheep in Fano) so we thought it would be fun to take her to Whipsnade Zoo. We got there early to avoid the crowds and…
Party time
So yesterday Maddie reached that milestone that is the grand old age of one. To celebrate we had a joint party with our NCT crowd and their children who were all born around the same time. Not that she’ll remember…
First steps
Big day today! Mette and I went together to pick Maddie up from nursery and when we got there I started walking with her holding her hand as usual but this time I took my hand away. Much to our…
Her first trip to the beach had a slow start with Maddie refusing to leave the towel. Every time she touched the sand she screwed her face up in disgust. However after a bit of encouragement she was soon crawling…
First flight
So today we took our first flight with Madeleine on our trip to Denmark. Mette had been secretly dreading it and I have to confess I had no idea how it would go. In the end we needn’t have worried…
Maddie becomes a toddler!
Whilst Maddie has clearly been enjoying practicing walking, all the bending down to hold her hand is back breaking work. So today she got an early birthday present of a baby walker which has been another instant hit. Not quite…
Well Maddie’s walking has come on in leaps and bounds (not literally you understand) but it got to the stage where we stopped counting the number of steps every time she toddled around. She can now stand up on her…
Whatever next
Ok so I need to take some new photos but since we got back from Barbados Maddie has reached a couple of new milestones. Yesterday she stood unaided for about 10 secs much to her amusement. She is definitely getting…
So last week was a revelation, Mette and I went on our honeymoon which was a fantastic trip to Barbados. What made this even more special was that thanks to the generosity of our families we were Maddie free for…