A trip to the local playground and her first go on the swing. Although apprehensive at first she did seem to really enjoy it and it gave me the chance to take a few pictures. Harvey wasn’t so keen as…
Not content with crawling everywhere (already she is managing to get up quite a speed) Maddie is now starting to cruise which it turns out means walking round holding onto the furniture – phew for a minute there I was…
Bumps and balls
So one of the side effects of her new found mobility is the inevitable bumps, bruises and ensuing tears. Can’t fault her for persistence though, none of these injuries are putting her off her continued attempts to walk, climb and…
Paddling pool
So summer seems to be finally putting in an appearance and seeing how much Maddie seems to like swimming / bathtime a paddling pool seemed like a great idea. It even comes with a roof to keep her out of…
So the day has finally arrived – from now on we can no longer leave Maddie and come back and find her in the same place! Ok, so the furthest she has managed is about 8 feet but she’s also…
10 months
Maddie has made a complete recovery from her conjunctivitis which is a relief so she is now going back to nursery ready to collect another bug to infect us all with. I love this new dress although seeing her wearing…
Ok so I was tempting fate with the happy and giggling comment before. We’ve had a rough few days. Maddie has been feverish and generally very grumpy. Not to mention the fact that she has thrown up all over me…
Daddy’s girl
So my little girl is ill again, conjunctivitis for the second time and what looks like the start of another cold. I think it bothers us more than it bothers her. She’s been giggling and splashing in the bath like…
Signs of intelligence
Ok so a week ago we got this rather phallic looking tower with stacking rings but all Maddie tried to do was chew them, until yesterday when she stacked the lot without any help at all. Today she was even…
So by now we are becoming experts at changing a nappy in a matter of seconds, a deft swipe with a nappy wipe, nappy on and away we go. Obviously this activity is normally preceded by a quick sniff of…