Ok so she’s not quite crawling yet but Maddie is now quite happy on her front and can hold her head up properly if only for a short time. She can also roll over onto her back from her tummy…
Maddie’s first Christmas
So Maddie was completely spoilt, not that she would have noticed as she was far too interested in the wrapping paper. The day itself went without a hitch and was surprisingly stress free all things considered. Madeleine has been on…
The obligatory naked photo (edited for the web – well it’s only fair) with which to embarrass Madeleine when she’s older, particularly to future boyfriends unless she behaves herself! There is however another reason for showing this picture in that…
A week before Christmas – Dad & Joan came up for Sunday lunch. Madeleine was so well behaved at the restaurant and she also managed to be on a full cooing charm offensive just as everyone was leaving. Now if…
Baby rice & bibs
So today was another landmark day – solids! (although to be fair baby rice more resembles lumpy milk than anything vaguely approaching solid in the true sense of the word.) After the initial rejection of the bottle previously her reaction…
And so this weekend Maddie met her other Grandfather who was over from Denmark to visit. He definitely had a tear in his eye when they met. Maddie was on her best behaviour complete with a full on charm offensive…
Yes I know, a second entry in one weekend – what’s going on?! Well after several weeks now of rejecting various bottles and cups Maddie finally took a whole feed from a cup. Cue much dancing and celebration. So it…
A night out and a balloon
So last night Mette & I managed to go out in the evening together, although a rare occasion these days not the first time but notable in that Maddie went to sleep at Grandmas house and stayed asleep until we…
And so after the Christmas festivities had died down we went over to Granny’s to help out with her computer and to say hello. Having only previously being able to roll from her front to her back with a little…
So now we are trying to get her to take an occasional bottle to give us a bit more flexibility. I know she has breast fed in various public places but still… anyway given the choice I know which I…