It’s official Maddie is now in 3-6 month clothes! Makes sense when you think about it as she is almost 4 months old but it has happened so gradually it just creeps up on you. She doesn’t seem that much…
Learning new tricks
Well Maddie is still sleeping through the night so my fears were unfounded. We’ve all heard about parents driving their offspring around in cars to get them to sleep (which does work) but Maddies latest trick is falling asleep to…
Sleeping Through
I know I’m probably tempting fate even writing this but Maddie has now slept through the night for 4 nights on the trot! In bed around 8pm and not waking until almost 7am. Just need to get Mette sleeping through…
Loving the weekends…
It means I get to see Maddie being cute and playful rather than just grouchy. In the mornings she’s adorable and I normally have to go to work however it’s easy to see how Mette doesn’t have time to do…
Great news!
So after 9 weeks Madeleine finally slept right through the night from 8.30 until 7 this morning!! To be fair I’ve been sleeping through from day one but Mette was delighted – her longest sleep for months. I know it’s…
So now we have a new routine which includes a quick bath (well most days) and what’s more Maddie seems to love it. It seems to settle her which is just as well as when I get home from work…
After 6 weeks of nappy changing and not much by way of response this last week has been a revelation. A whole raft of smiles, cooing, gurgling and still the odd crying spell. Maddie does seem to have got into…
It’s so true, the first time your child smiles your heart melts, no matter that they’ve just learnt to projectile poo or they’ve kept you (or more accurately in my case my other half) up most of the night, that…
Doesn’t time fly
Seems like it was only yesterday that we came home from the hospital but that was 2 weeks ago now. Begining to realise that I won’t be updating this blog that often. First few weeks have been great, Maddie (yes…
Welcome to the world
OK so I know I was fairly sure the due date would not be the day but I wasn’t expecting such an early appearance. Still that’s what has happened and Madeleine Aimeé Boichat was born at 8.12am on Thurs 20th…