We were attending our friends wedding (although I was also there in a professional capacity) and Maddie was an unofficial flower girl. She had her hair and make up done by the make up girl and looker really pretty. She…
Abbots Hill Sports Day
Another year, another sports day although this year without the Olympics theme of last year. Same events though and despite a good performance from Maddie (well I would say that) her clan finished last. Still Maddie did win her heat…
So having visited Legoland in Denmark previously and in Windsor last year finally this year Maddie was old enough (6) to earn her Lego driving licence. It was also the day that we discovered the value of Q-bots which enable…
Holiday of a lifetime!
If there’s one place in the world where extravagance and money to burn seems to be everywhere it’s Dubai. As an exercise in forward planning for tourism to replace oil it’s seems very insightful. One things for sure we are…
The Lion King
One of the problems of private schools is the stupid amounts of holidays the children get – 20 weeks a year off! Thankfully there are a myriad of clubs, workshops and camps that have sprung up to amuse the kids…
A grade student
Maddie just got her latest school report and we are delighted with it. A great improvement all round with A’s (achievement) and 1’s (effort) scattered liberally throughout. She has been putting in lots of extra work off her own back…
Away on a skiing trip I was reminded that it seems like only yesterday I used to go and get phone cards to call home and now with the wonders of modern technology we have video calling! At home it…
And, and, and…
Today we all actually managed to sit down for lunch as a family. Maddie then proceeded to have the worst case of verbal diarrhoea I have ever seen. Without pausing for breath (or to eat – not that she ever…
We can fix you
Hopefully we won’t be seeing too many more of these X-rays but thought as an update to the last entry it was worth adding them. The funniest thing was that I asked the consultant to email them to me and…
Her first break…
So yesterday I happened to be away on business all day, far from home and of all days Maddie happens to pick this day to trip over and break her little finger. Luckily Mette was able to pick her up…