Being Maddie’s Dad

Highlights and musings of a Dad and his daughter growing up.

  • So the day has finally arrived when Maddie has her first wobbly tooth. She is being unbearably impatient though and is desperate for it to fall out. Culminating in a massive strop this evening (or should I say wobbly!) Apparently…

  • Yay the one big dump of snow which is becoming the norm, thought we weren’t going to get any. Went out and did the usual stuff, threw snow balls, built a snowman and then later went sledging over in Boxmoor.…

  • Took Maddie Ice Skating in Hemel. After about an hour with Pete the Penguin I’d had enough but agreed to stay a bit longer only if she would skate without him which of course she did! Nothing like a bit…

  • Had a shoot in a larger studio today as we needed to get a group shot of 8 people and Maddie came along to “help”. Loved these chairs so much I bought a couple for my home studio! I did…

  • So we had a proper outing today up in London, the London Eye and the London Aquarium complete with sharks. With all this to look forward to it was somewhat of a disappointment that Maddie was more interested in the…

  •   Maddie’s 5th birthday. We had a great party at Bedmond Village Hall with a Hannah Montana / High School Musical theme. The highlight of which was definitely the bubble or snow machine.

  • Just lately I seem to be managing to break Maddies habit of only letting Mette put her to bed. Its still only occasionally and today was one of those days – well it was fathers day today and Maddie was…

  • Having taken some nice pictures when the bluebells were out I decided to try and hunt out some poppies. This wasn’t the easiest task as mostly all I could find was the odd one or two. We heard on the…

  • Not sure how much longer I will keep this blog going. Maddie is going to be 5 soon and I can already see it becoming a bit redundant with the rise and rise of Facebook. (Frankly I’m surprised I’ve kept…

  • The whole nature nurture thing is a really interesting debate. Obviously you can “lead a horse to water etc” and maybe they’ll take up an interest, sport or hobby. But how much can we as parents really influence other than…