the 5th of November, or actually this year the 6th. For that was the date of the annual St Albans fireworks display. Maddies friend Anabel and her Dad Kevin accompanied us with Mette crying off (can’t believe she doesn’t like…
Little Hornet
Another trip to the hallowed ground of Vicarage Road. All kitted out in her new home shirt (strangely the kids shirt was the same price as the entire kit) but it was a bit cold for shorts. There was a…
Trick or Treat
The whole trick or treat phenomenon was strictly an American pastime when I was a kid. This year along with 6 other children (also in fancy dress) Maddie with me and other parents watching from a distance went out trick…
First day at Abbots Hill
Funny how things work out. When Maddie didn’t get accepted into reception at the school she was at, settled in to and only 5 mins walk away (hey thanks Herts CC) we were quite disappointed. Rather than take their kind…
Giddy Up
So we managed to hold out for four days before we gave in to the pony ride. This years horse was Cindy. Much to our surprise the stable just gave us directions and said see you in 30 mins! Fairly…
Windy on deck!
Or some might say a budding model shot “cue that wind machine”. This is one of the most expensive ferries in the world (apparently) since its only very short but costs a small fortune. Still it goes to Fanø which…
Teddy Bears Picnic
Yes I know there aren’t any teddy bears in the picture but it was so nice to have the kids all amusing themselves that we had some adult time for a change! As a result this was the only picture…
Party time!
Maddies party was held at Gambados this year. So easy, just turned up with a cake and they did the rest!! If you’ve read some of my previous blog entries you’ll know Maddie loves this place. It was even better…
Eddie the Penguin saves the world!
That was the ambitious title of Maddie’s first production with her Stagecoach performing arts group. It was all very sweet. I just got there in time and managed to record the whole thing on video for posterity. It was so…
Chilling in ‘the pod’
A rare picture of me with Maddie. It’s not the best quality shot since it was cut from a video on my mobile but still. Note to self – get other people to take some photos or its going to…