Not sure how much longer I will keep this blog going. Maddie is going to be 5 soon and I can already see it becoming a bit redundant with the rise and rise of Facebook. (Frankly I’m surprised I’ve kept it going this long!) That said, this was always meant to be an archive to look back on and already that’s happening as I get asked various questions about when she was younger for example “What age did she walk etc etc”. Its a great aide memoir.
The reason I’ve wandered off on a tangent is that I’ve already posted lots of pics on Facebook of Peppa Pig world so suffice to say even though Maddie is almost too old and the rides were a little tame (compared to Disney) we did have a good day. This was mostly because her friend Anabel was with us and because there was water to play in.
We also had a break through in that unlike at Disney, where she was really scared of the characters in costume, with a little peer pressure, she shook the hand of Peppa and George.